Family Specialist

Jeffrey A. Steiger is a family specialist, trained by the Hudson Valley Collaborative Divorce Association and the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals. Collaborative divorce is an out-of-court process that enables a couple and their family to divorce with dignity. The goal of collaborative divorce is to support the couple in negotiating their divorce in a humane and non-adversarial environment. It is a team approach that can include attorneys, coaches (mental health professionals), child specialists and financial planners. The role of the coach is to navigate through the complex emotional issues that arise during the divorce process, and to help the individual family members transition into their new lives.

Jeffrey has been asked by a number of judges in the Dutchess County court system in New York to work with high-conflict families as a Parent Coordinator.

Jeffrey moderated a program called "The Value of Collaborative Practice for LGBTQ Families and Relationships." This full day program took place in New York City on 2/2/12 at the Scandinavia House. View the attached flyer for more information.


Jeffrey recorded a webinar, entitled Divorce, Separation and Your Children: Reactions & Support Strategies, for LifeCare, Inc., a work/life company. It offers parents tips on how to help their children cope with a divorce or separation. It features topics such as explaining separation/divorce to your child, the emotional impact it can have on your child, what to expect with various age groups, and how to communicate between households. Listen to the webinar.


Divorce: From Crisis to Collaboration

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Children & Divorce

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Co-Parenting and Living as a Divorced Parent

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Low Conflict/Low Cost Divorce

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